
Showing posts from June, 2019

Are you sure your not a thief?

Don't take what's not yours! I'm sure you've heard this saying. So why is it that people still take what's not theirs? We all know the commandment thou shalt not steal. You would think it would be the easiest one to follow. You might even be reading this thinking I have never stolen anything, I don't steal.  But the truth is you have. Even as believers, how often to do we spend time with God? How often do we sit on our phones on social media or even to read the bible app rather than opening our bibles? How often do we rush out of God's presence? How often do we pay tithes? Tithing is a principal thing and not an old testament thing. Jesus came so that the law should be fulfilled and not forgotten. Why is it that you believe some parts of the bible and not all? Most Christians today, sit at ease and don't want to follow truth. But it's time to wake up and realise you have been robbing God Malachi 3:8-18   King James Versi...

Will you run or fight? It's time to fight for your life!

         Has fear been holding you back? If so, this is a message for you. As I was taking a walk, this message began to drop into my spirit. As I was walking down the path, making my way home. Suddenly, I looked up, long and behold there was a pigeon flapping and flying around in the trees and around me. Now, if you know me, you will know I don't like pigeons, especially getting too close to me. I guess you could say I have a fear of pigeons. But, isn't it funny God uses those fears to give us a revelation. Many times in our lives there are many fears that are pulling us down and stopping us from achieving. Perhaps, overwhelming negative thinking, stress, you feel so far a way from where you want to be, you fear you won't make it, the fear or failure, the fear of not being married and never finding a husband, the fear of failing education. You name it, we all fear something. But have you identified your fear? Have you had a deeper understanding of ...


This just dropped in my spirit and I had to share this revelation. I heard the words loud and clear. Clearance! There are things, there are people, who can not and will not stay in your life. Why not? you might be asking Well, for God to bless you with something new, if you are still holding on to things that produce no fruit, how will you recieve the new thing God has for you? Many times we rely on our own understandings of things and it creates a blockage, we are unable to move out of bondage due to a lack of understanding. As a believer and well just in general in all you can you must get understanding. This is actually biblical. Wisdom is the principal thing that we need to be able to make good choices and understand that in order to move forward in any area of our lives, we must pray for the spirit of understanding and let go. It's time to clear out. Clear out the old and in with the new. This is a new season, and if you take your eyes off  Christ you will mi...

A New Story - The author & Finisher

A New Story                 The beginning and the end I didn't quite know what to call this one, as there has been so many messages under this question. Regardless, I hope to make some sort of sense to you out of it. This scripture came to me this morning. Hebrews 12:2   New King James Version (NKJV) 2  looking unto Jesus, the  [ a ] author and  [ b ] finisher of  our  faith,  who for the joy that was set before Him  endured the cross, despising the shame, and  has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. I felt led to remind someone that Jesus is the author of your story. He knows the beginning from the end, and he's writing yours again.  God will perfect everything that concerns us, in his timing. Everything he endured was for me and for you, so if Jesus could endure the cross, he can get us through these times and we can endure too.  Nothing can separate you...

What are your expectations?

             Have a vision for your life! We all dream of  living the luxury life. A fancy car, a husband, kids, a nanny, a mansion, a successful career. The list goes on and on. It's a good thing to have a vision for your life, as long as you attach spiritual things to it as well. Yesterday, my Pastor was speaking on expectations and gave us a little secret, that many people and even Pastors get to church without the expectation of seeing Jesus. This registered to me, a lot, because on the way to church, in fact from the morning I woke up just knowing there was going to be a mighty move from God in our church service and I had great expectations not even just for the church service, but to see Jesus and expect great breakthrough and miracles. And God didn't disappoint. But many times we can loose sight of having expectations whether at church or for our lives. I realise I recently lost some hope in seeing great things, I had beg...

I don't know what to say

             This might seem like another strange title, but again there's a message worth reading. At least I think there is. Have you ever felt like you just don't know what to say? You want to talk to someone but you have no idea where to start, so you find everything else to talk about. Well, I know I have, sometimes I over worry about what I am going to say or if I'm going to offend someone or hurt someone. I had been worrying about speaking to someone recently, even now, until I came across this scripture. Matthew 10:19  do not worry about what to say or how to say it.  At that time you will be given what to say,   20  for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father  speaking through you. And that has now taken a lot of pressure off from myself.  So I wanted to encourage you, whenever you feel that you don't know what to say, ask for God to speak through you, to guide your words at the rig...

Dejavu History Repeats Itself

         Are you learning from your mistakes? Did you know, if you let it, history can repeat its self? Yet there are two results that can happen. You ignore the lessons from whatever took place before and keep making the same mistake, or you learn from your history and change the outcome by identifying, praying and changing and growing from what you have learned. Have you ever had Dejavu? You feel you've been in that place before, the same people, same place. Many say your experiencing a past life, yet that is not true as there is no such thing. However, you have either dreamed it, had a vision or God is speaking to you in that moment. Anytime, you have that moment of dejavu, you must ask God to open your eyes to see what He wants you to see and for him to make it clear to you what you need to learn. There are also other occasions in our lives history repeats itself, through relationships. An ex might come back, it might even be a new relationshi...

The Ugly Duckling

          Now I am sure you know the story of                  The Ugly Duckling. Well maybe your not from this planet or just have never ever heard of this story for whatever reason, here's a little background story. The ugly duckling is a children's story written by Hans Christian Anderson. The story is centred around a loner bird, who suffers from abuse, and  is made to feel the odd one out, from everyone else until he matures into a beautiful Swan. Yesterday, I heard a powerful sermon on friends. The sermon ministered to me in so many different ways. I'm sure many of us can relate to this story. There are many times I have felt like the ugly duckling. I have felt I don't fit in, for whatever reason, looks, personality, culture. Sometimes, even our past can influence how we feel about ourselves and we put up a wall, so that we don't get hurt again, making it hard for ourselves to even make friends. ...

The Tuner

                   Are you in tune?                     This may seem like a strange title but there is a message. So I am taking guitar lessons. I've always wanted to play an instrument. I tried keyboard at school but didn't stick with it for too long, how I wish I did. Anyway, yesterday my instructor was teaching me about guitar tuning. I won't go into the whole method of guitar tuning. But, I believe I have a message from what I have learned and well let me get to it. There are times in our lives we need tuning. Our lives get so busy, we forget to take time to recharge, just like a phone needs charging, we also need a good charge and not just from time to time. One thing I didn't realise, is that with a guitar you have to constantly re tune it, now to me that sounded like a lot of hard work. But that's the thing, if we want to have a relationship with God that is on f...

Crossing Paths

                   So today I seem to be inspired. Two blog posts in a day, this hasn't happened in a while. But anyway, the topic I want to share with you is on crossing paths. Last week at church, my Pastor was speaking on how he met his wife and how they kept crossing each others paths, they would always come across each other the same place, whilst they were at University. It started making me think a lot about something that keeps happening in my own life. You know you have that person that no matter what you always end up bumping into them, or they end up going the same places you go to. From this message I was able to identify a person in my life, and realised perhaps this was no coincidence. I believe there are people that you end up in the same place same situation same time, for a reason, a plan and purpose. Recently this has been amazing for me to see God working in this very situation, yet at the same time I d...

The Scammer

      The topic of today is The Scammer What is a scam? A dishonest scheme, or fraud according to the dictionary definition. I was reading a story by The Sun, about a man who thought he had snapped up a £140K bungalow for 7K in an auction. Unfortunately, he soon found out that this was far from the truth. The man was deceived and instead recieved a 1ft wide strip of grass worth just £40. That's right a strip of glass just worth £40! (you can read the story here I know I would have been angry, disappointed and probably on the verge of cursing everyone out, if I was in this position I don't know what I would have done. But there is a message in this that can change your life. Many of us are scammed in life. We invested in a relationship, a marriage, education and it didn't work out. You didn't get what you signed up for. In the beginning it looked ideal, you saw it ending up jus...

What do you do when things are not working out?

     It's easier to put on a fake smile, than to admit when things are just falling a part or  are not going the way you imagined. Sometimes, we watch others going through sickness, or some traumas, maybe our own lives have just been one storm after another. As I was reflecting on some recent sacrifices, I have had to make and some decisions that have made me really question, what is God doing? How do I deal in this process? How do I tell others what's going on? It's hard to open up sometimes. I totally get that. If your anything like me, you have built walls up and have a hard time getting to the point of what's really happening. I also had to learn how to stop letting life affect me and not taking it out on others around me (still learning) but I've realised; I perhaps have taking it too far and dare I say it  I have now become a pretender. You know how it is, when people ask you, how are you? And you know all the wonderful Christian jargon; by ...