Are you sure your not a thief?

Don't take what's not yours! I'm sure you've heard this saying. So why is it that people still take what's not theirs? We all know the commandment thou shalt not steal. You would think it would be the easiest one to follow. You might even be reading this thinking I have never stolen anything, I don't steal. But the truth is you have. Even as believers, how often to do we spend time with God? How often do we sit on our phones on social media or even to read the bible app rather than opening our bibles? How often do we rush out of God's presence? How often do we pay tithes? Tithing is a principal thing and not an old testament thing. Jesus came so that the law should be fulfilled and not forgotten. Why is it that you believe some parts of the bible and not all? Most Christians today, sit at ease and don't want to follow truth. But it's time to wake up and realise you have been robbing God Malachi 3:8-18 King James Versi...