Praying in troubled times

            Praying in troubled times

I wanted to share a personal testimony with you today and somethings God has spoken to me about on praying in pain and in trouble.

So as of yesterday the church I attend has started a two weeks intense fast and praying.
I was praying yesterday and decided to start reading our Bishop Dag Heward Mills book on How To Pray.

I reached page 5 which was about making time to pray, which also has another funny story to it.

As today I had all these plans I have so many deadline's for assignments. Three assignments to hand in by Friday, a proposal dissertation and a module to take and a business presentation.

So anyway to the story. Last night I could barely sleep with pain in my leg. I literally woke up dragging myself off the bed, and walking my daughter to school took a lot more effort, actually a lady stopped to even ask me if I was ok. I guess that had something to do with the way I was hopping home, not my usual standard way of walking..  some may disagree.

So instead of resting my leg, I was on the move, as my kitchen started flooding, electric went off. Whilst getting the floor and kitchen sides cleaned up and the electric finally working again I just found myself worshipping and praying. Usually I would have been frustrated and overwhelmed but I guess the sermon  I came across the night before on dealing with emotions helped and was a message for me. (also quite funny, I stumbled upon the message when I turned my TV on, and God chanel was on, with a preacher called ClefoDollar something like that, anyway at first I was actually thinking ... oh this is just another feel good message, ha, but I listened as God corrected me, and apparently it was a word on something I needed for today and in my walk as a growing Christian)

Anyway moving on... I was in a state of peace rather than frustration as my favourite scripture came to mind Jeremiah 29:11 which has been popping up as confirmation so much for me this week. Gods plans for us are good and not for harm. I was in a place of rest which is another place God wanted me to be in, so that He could speak to me on a few things.
So after praying and sleeping because of the pain in my leg. I woke up and later after praying etc I opened the book I was reading yesterday How To Pray, which you will remember I mentioned earlier. I opened to page 6 and saw this .....

Prayer must continue both in Troubled Times and in Times of Peace

Wow. God blew my mind and began to speak. Persecution will come and I am teaching you how to pray in pain. I began to realise I was in a season of pain and discomfort, financial situations, crazy work load, being a mother which this weekend was pretty busy celebrating my daughters birthday which saw some stressful moments that were yet filled with provision in a way that only God could do, peace and joy. So it's safe to say its been pretty full on.

But this is the message God wants me to share

You may be experiencing trouble, pain, sickness, work stress, debt whatever it is you must pray constantly and continually even in pain. Dont just wait until the trouble comes. God is looking for fellowship daily in good and bad times. In times of crisis God will give you peace and being you the answers you need

Daniel was a man of God that prayed three times a day. And when his enemies seeked to destroy him because of his praying. It was his praying to God even in trouble, in the lions den, that saw Daniel recieve peace and protection. Daniel saw the benefits of God because he PRAYED all the time.

Don't think of this as just a story because it's not.
I promise you if you follow these principles you will see the benefits of praying even in troubled tines.

I pray that in your troubled time you will recieve peace and healing in Jesus Mighty Name
I pray for those with cancer, tumours, debt, stress anything that is causing you to cry at  night may it be taken away under the authority of Jesus Christ every sickness is destroyed. You are covered under the blood of Jesus and the healing anointing.
May you recieve peace and joy and a healing testimony in Jesus Mighty Name

                         Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” – Matthew 11:28-29 NLT


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