30's 40's The timeline Are You Too Late?


Today's blog is a little different from the usual.
I woke up this morning thinking about the fact I'm soon going to be 28 and nearly hitting 30's.

30's you say, what's the big deal you say? I'm 40 you say?
Well for me it got me thinking and still has me thinking.

I'm a single parent, had my daughter at 20, didn't think about marriage or settling down that was just never really a thought for me. From the age of 13 I had been there and got the t-shirt, the regrets of my youth.

I mean I guess in my year book I wrote down I would like 2 kids, marriage by 30 and I think the ultimate career goal if I didn't become a famous singer, was anything media related or to be a counsellor.

Well I can at least tick of the child, and following a somewhat singing career and University is in the direction of media (the fact I'm even at University, let me tell you, it was never up there on my list and is still a miracle by far....
But here's what I was really thinking as I reflected on my life so far....

Marriage and children pretty much most of the time come hand in hand, at some point (not for all I know, but for most ...)
Do I really want to be doing all of this again come the age of 30?

The full on day to day responsibilities of a child is not easy. I mean this week whilst realising I'm not having a summer break, with a proposal dissertation, a module to take after crying my eyes out after 3 long difficult assignments one paticularly that I just couldn't do and threating over the fact I'm probably going to fail and have to retake it all over again, when learning is not easy for me at all for many reasons. But the dreaded chicken pox and vomiting bug had hit us pretty hard this week, one night I was dealing with a vomiting child and the phone in one hand trying to complete an assignment that I was so lost on.

Parenting is a full time job, and one that The Lord has blessed me with but it has come at a cost. I mean I can't just get up and leave when I want to, the school friends, the hospital appointments, parents evening, sicknesses the list goes on.

I've had to give up a lot, and to do it all again at 30 or 40 I can't quite comprehend. Obviously it's not impossible, and there's a lot of people around me having children later on in life.  But most haven't already had a child before hand, so either way I guess it's one of those things I have to take a long think about.

God also reminded me of the promise he made to Sarah and Abraham.
Gods timing is mysterious, and although I probably couldn't see myself at 30 or 40 having another child in the natural. God's ways are higher than mine.

Until then I will pray God makes me a millionaire, so I can afford a nanny.

With all that said I came across an article on my news feeds, (God has a very funny sense of humour)
It's worth a read tho, it's about women having children in their 30's is now increasing and becoming a more popular trend.

Something to think about.
Until then I encourage you to spend time with God, what is God's will for you? No matter your age, God can still use you.

Proverbs 16:9 New International Version (NIV)

In their hearts humans plan their course,
    but the Lord establishes their steps.


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