
Showing posts from April, 2019

You are Valuable To God

                  You, are extremely valuable to God. Do you know that you are even more precious than the birds? If God cares and provides for the birds of this earth, how much more will he provide for you? Isn't it amazing to know God even knows the amount of hair on your head. He knows absolutely everything about you. Sometimes we can feel unloved, or we think we are not valuable. We go around with our heads down, feeling insecure, feeling worthless and this is why we now have a world full of people insecure and confused with the identity they were born with. Satan fills our minds with so much negativity, even from a young age. Children see everything and hear eveeything, just one negative word can damage them for the rest of there lives, if they are not taught God's love and how to accept who God has made them to be, that's why you find so many people lost and filling those voids with drugs, alcohol, bad relationships, tr...

Are You Content?

                Contentment is a state of happiness and satisfaction. As I began having my quiet time, a study on jealousy between Cain and Abel. I kept hearing are you content? I suddenly had a deep heavy feeling I couldn't quite ignore, it was indeed a question worth thinking about. Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5  |  NIV I realised Ive actually been having some feelings of discontentment, whether it's been where I am in life, lifes troubles or just day to day things. Recently I had taken on a lot for myself, which hasn't helped me, mentally or emotionally and I had become a little unhappy, mostly in my attitude and things I just couldn't control. In a way I have realised I began to take my eyes of the very thing I need daily. JESUS. But godliness with contentment is great gain. 1 Tim...

30's 40's The timeline Are You Too Late?

                Today's blog is a little different from the usual. I woke up this morning thinking about the fact I'm soon going to be 28 and nearly hitting 30's. 30's you say, what's the big deal you say? I'm 40 you say? Well for me it got me thinking and still has me thinking. I'm a single parent, had my daughter at 20, didn't think about marriage or settling down that was just never really a thought for me. From the age of 13 I had been there and got the t-shirt, the regrets of my youth. I mean I guess in my year book I wrote down I would like 2 kids, marriage by 30 and I think the ultimate career goal if I didn't become a famous singer, was anything media related or to be a counsellor. Well I can at least tick of the child, and following a somewhat singing career and University is in the direction of media (the fact I'm even at University, let me tell you, it was never up there on my list and is still a miracle by far.... But h...

Don't look back

      Bringing you today's word. Today the message is don't look back. Many times, in life the reason we are unable to move forward, is because we keep looking back. We keep opening doors to the past, when instead we must let go, and look forward. In Genesis 13:5:13 we learn why it's important not to look back on our past and how it can have major consequences when we do. This is in the true account of Lots wife. Lot and his family were told to move quickly out of Sodom, as God's judgement had come upon the city and was about to be destroyed. Lot and his family were visited by angels who gave them specific instructions to leave the place immediately, run for their lives and never look back. Unfortunately for Lots wife she didn't listen to the instruction, but rather looked back and because of her disobedience was turned into a pillar of salt. This is why it is very important to leave that ex alone, to leave that old friend who was always ta...

Kingdom Blessings


Praying in troubled times

            Praying in troubled times I wanted to share a personal testimony with you today and somethings God has spoken to me about on praying in pain and in trouble. So as of yesterday the church I attend has started a two weeks intense fast and praying. I was praying yesterday and decided to start reading our Bishop Dag Heward Mills book on How To Pray. I reached page 5 which was about making time to pray, which also has another funny story to it. As today I had all these plans I have so many deadline's for assignments. Three assignments to hand in by Friday, a proposal dissertation and a module to take and a business presentation. So anyway to the story. Last night I could barely sleep with pain in my leg. I literally woke up dragging myself off the bed, and walking my daughter to school took a lot more effort, actually a lady stopped to even ask me if I was ok. I guess that had something to do with the way I was hopping home, not my usual...